Sunday, May 5, 2013

CINCO de MAYO? What is it?

                                                       CINCO de MAYO?  What is it?                      
                                           (White House Celebration - Cinco de Mayo, 2007)

                      I laughed at my friend's story when we joined him and his wife for lunch today.

             Emilio was born in Texas but his family is originally from Mexico. He had an
             interesting conversation with friends at work this week.

                                    "Cinco de drinko! This Sunday?"
                                    "Cinco de drinko? What's that, Emilio asked."

                                    "That's when Mexicans celebrate the Alamo."
                                    "What?" Emilio asked.
                 "No." Another man said. "That's the celebration of 300 Americans going into

                  Mexico to fight the Mexicans. They stopped them from invading  us."

                 "What?" Emilio said.

             So being of a curious sort I talked with Emilio about it. And fascinated ... I looked it up.
                                                     CINCO DE MAYO  What is it?
                  A well-armed French fleet landed in Veracruz, Mexico in 1861. They drove President
             Juarez and his government into retreat. The French encountered mighty resistance from

             Mexicans near Puebla, at the forts in Loreto and Gaudalupe. The French army of 8,000

             attacked the smaller Mexican army of 4,500. Yet, the Mexicans crushed the French army

             on May 5, 1862.

                        Time magazine spoke of this as, "The Puebla victory came to symbolize unity and                 pride for what seemed like a Mexican David defeating a French Goliath."

                        This was not the only struggle the Mexicans had against the French. The battles
                for complete liberation from French control continued. But, this great victory helped
                to establish a much-needed sense of national unity and patriotism.                


                          By the way, we celebrated by eating a wonderful lunch at

                         Vallarta's Mexican Restaurant, North Dale Mabry, Tampa, Florida.

                         Just as we left they were setting up for special music. You still have time!

                         Information compiled from my friend Emilio and from the Wikepedia.

                                                       (No, not being paid to advertise!)