Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Marggie With Two Gs Fish Recipe

         Hello, Friends!  Want to make fish? Here's one of my recipes!
      Marggie With Two Gs Fish Recipe    Easy, not too many ingredients, pretty fast!

4 or 5 pieces of Tilapia
2 cans crab meat (drained of their water)
1 stick of butter (you won't be using it all)
1/4 cup sweet onion
1/4 cup green pepper
1/2 cup of bread crumbs
 a little cream, or half and half
 a little dab of sugar
Cayenne Pepper to taste. (I sprinkle some all over it lightly!)
Dab of dry Parsley (optional)
Procedure:)  Chop your onions and green pepper very fine. Cook them slowly in 1/2 stick of butter.

Prepare a glass casserole dish by melting a tablespoon of butter and using it to grease the pan. Cut your Tilapia in four large pieces cutting off four small thin pieces and placing them aside.
Place your larger Tilapia slices three or four on dish. 

In your frying pan where you have "limping SOFRITO," cooking (Sofrito usually has 3 legs, onion, green pepper, and garlic.) This does not have garlic! Cook it till tender. Drain some of the butter from this "limping SOFRITO," off.  Add the drained two cans of Crab. Add a little dab of sugar to it to taste. Add the Cayenne Pepper. (Better less than too much!) You can always add more later after all is mixed and you taste it. Add about 1/4 cup of cream and the bread crumbs. Mix well. Simmer. Do not add SALT. The butter will do the trick, we're not through.  Spread this mixture of the crab over the pieces of Tilapia in casserole dish. 

Place the small pieces of the Tilapia you left on the side on top of each piece. I put a tooth pick  through this. Easier to transport after. Spread the rest of the butter melted on top of the fish. Sprinkle Paprika over it. DONE!  Bake in the oven at 350* for a half hour or until the fish is done. Flaky!  Enjoy!   Not hard to make. If your mate says, "Boy, why don't we eat this more often?" Then, you'll know you got it right!  

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

   Where The Natural Meets The Supernatural ... Beyond The Veil

                    The Other Side of Me   by Amarilys Gacio Rassler 

  To most I'm a wife, mom, nana, writer, friend. To others I'm one who has suffered greatly at the hands of evil spirits.
       December 11, my birthday. Reflecting on my life I take the opportunity to share where I've been and where I'm going.

    Beyond The Veil   
       In 1979, I decide to give myself over to the search for the truth about the supernatural. My passion for the knowledge of what happens after death prompted my focused seeking. I plunged into occult practices and opened my mind and heart to another world. The world of the supernatural.      
     How I experienced evil spirits and how my life dove into insanity through their constant voices and apparitions and their aims to bring me to death through madness is the story I tell in Beyond The Veil. Not all symptoms that appear to be mental illness are mental illness.
     How the only thing that brought me succor was a complete turning of myself over to God and seeking His help is also in the book.
     The process of recovery was not easy. At first I became very angry with God for not taking the evil spirits away immediately. Yet, I learned there was a reason. A plan He had for me to follow. The process provided time for training. You see, He had a purpose. Not only was I to survive but later on I was to help many to do the same.
     Not long after sanity returned to me, without doctors, medications, or hospitalization but through Him, I attended church where the people heard about my story and asked me to share it with others. Thus began years of speaking in parents' groups, women's groups, church groups, college groups and even in centers for delinquent young people. Through my speaking engagements began the ministry of counseling those oppressed by evil spirits. With the need to know more began  over thirty years of reading, training and studying the process of setting people free. I interned with others who had worked at it longer than I had and were able to teach me what they had learned in the trenches.
     For many years our house became a refuge for counseling the spiritually oppressed till my mother needed more of my help.
    It was then that a pastor friend encouraged me to begin to write. "Marggie, he said, why don't you leave what you've learned with others? Imagine how God might use that to help people even after you're gone." 
    Presently, I'm still working on Beyond The Veil, a hard book to write, especially now that my mother has gone home.  I'm determined, though, to finish it. Pray for me.

     A View Into The Spirit Realm ... Stories of the Supernatural
    The above title is for yet another book on which I'm working. I want so much to share facts about the spirit realm I have learned.  This book is an anthology of fictional stories to inspire, entertain and inform ... stories of the supernatural intertwined with suspense and strong loving relationships. Stories that reflect my work of many years. It's my desire that through my writing, many, lost in spiritual oppression, learn there's a Way out ... One Who will set them free.
     After one of my talks, years ago, a man came up to me and said, "I've heard you speak twice. The first time I couldn't hear what you were saying. Just a ringing in my ears. This time I heard it all. What you describe is the hell I've been in for many years. Will you help me?"
    We worked together and The Lord set him free. The voices stopped. The nightmares disappeared and now he's helping others to be set free.
    I dedicate this blog to him and the many others who have made my life rich. They've allowed me to see the Hand of God touch them and set them free.
                                                  To Him be the glory! 
           Thank you, Lord, for another birthday, for without You I wouldn't be here.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Mountain Happening ...  At The Farm ... Some might see just animals and I see ...
First morning rocking on the porch ...

ANOTHER VIEW                                                      
Leaves in multi-shades of crimson dresses,
Drop in slow dance,
With open arms embracing then,
green carpet ground.

Crows chatter back and forth,
Like friends at coffee houses,
Exchanging trivia.

Roosters confused? Constantly
Crow at midday. Maybe on
Overtime shifts.

Tickle of frisky wind,
Brushes my neck,
Kisses my cheek,
And ballet dances
Away to pirouette
Near horse's mane.


Humans interrupt the music
Of this Nature's opus, so
A woodpecker madly
Drills away with faster beat,
Mocking  farmer who hammers
On a white picket fence.

And the prosaic sound of a truck
Drums down a hill,
While a tractor rumbles,
 Forcing wheels up a mountain.

Nearby on a hill, a horse in
Shinny black tux and white cuffs
Around his feet, conducts this
Nature's symphony with
His swaying  tail.

The horse,
Disturbed by the homo sapiens's
Insensitivity to the flowing art around them,                                     
Shakes his mane with artful passion
And ... Snorts!