Sunday, September 23, 2012


                                   GOD'S FEATHERS                  What are they?


               She came in like a whirlwind and threw herself on the couch. She told me a story of

a friend who offended her, wounding her deeply. She spoke and conviction pounded me like a judge's gavel. I had done the same thing to one of my friends. Ouch! God's feathers!                            

                He spoke eloquently, sharing his message.

               "When you walk the path you're clearing it for the next generation."

                The speaker inspired me to ask myself questions. How could I walk the path for my

children and grandchildren so I would clear it?  What exactly is the path? What a message! God's feathers?

                 She served us an Italian dinner at the restaurant. When I asked her why she had

such a good attitude she said, "Why not. I'm thankful for what I have. I might not be able to do this someday. Glad to do it now. " I thought carpe diem ... a topic that had come often to my mind in recent days. Heavenly affirmation for the spiritual study to take? Some just call it coincidence but I have experienced so many of these before ... I call them God's feathers.

                 She came to me for counseling. Her emotions and appearance in disarray. I heard a voice within me say, "She has a gun. Careful." She did. God's feathers.

        God's Feathers?  What are God's feathers?      

         For me they're messages. Words needed at just the right time. On occasions  they have come to convict me. Other times these words came to inspire me or warn me. Sometimes, like with the waitress mentioned, they reinforce the guidance I have been drawn to already. Her words were a repetition of a theme running through my mind ... something  I wanted to study the following week. It just happened that the same theme floated from her lips and that my spirit did a flip receiving it? No. I don't think so.      

        Why do  I name them God's feathers? I choose the term from an instance in the Bible. From a Scripture that describes The Spirit of God, descending on Jesus like a dove. (John 1:32) I picture the Spirit's passage through the lips of a person that's giving me His message. I imagine that He leaves precious feathers, God's message, when he swiftly flies by. God's feathers.

        In my life, throughout the years, I've found interesting facts about The Spirit's  messengers. The Spirit is not partial. He uses multiple messengers of different ages, gender and nationalities. They come with diverse  skin colors and religions ... believers and nonbelievers. Often, the messenger doesn't even know he's giving me a message. The ways of The Spirit are mysterious indeed! Who can fully comprehend them? When the message came to my mind about the gun, was the messenger that whispered it an angel? The Biblical meaning for the word angel is a ministering spirit, a messenger. (Hebrews 1:14)

         I labor at staying open and sensitive but my life, at times, is like a subway train, flashing by with schedules to keep and passengers to get to their needed destination.  I dread to think of messages I've missed that came from such sacred distance.  Precious feathers I have overlooked or, yet worse, trampled.

       So, if at some time you see me gazing upon your face like one hypnotized by what you're saying, there's a good chance I have found, within your words, God's feathers!


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